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Investing in Communities

Coming Together to Support Small Businesses




TennCommUNITY: Coming Together to Support Small Businesses

When the COVID-19 pandemic impacted small businesses in Wilson County, Tenn., nine community banks and the three local chambers of commerce joined together to help. In July, they launched a campaign to boost commerce and support for local merchants, which became known as "TennCommUNITY."

When the COVID-19 pandemic impacted small businesses in Wilson County, Tenn., nine community banks and the three local chambers of commerce joined together to help. In July, they launched a campaign to boost commerce and support for local merchants, which became known as "TennCommUNITY." This campaign encouraged their community members to shop locally by implementing several promotional items such as unified print ads and outdoor advertising, videos and social media posts. Each of the partner organizations in TennCommUNITY offered discount coupons for holiday shopping at any small business that wanted to participate.

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